Not perhaps as worthy a trinity as Faith, Hope and Charity with the greatest of these the latter, as proposed by St. Paul, the trio of Health, Wealth and Happiness is a combination of aspirations as old as all of civilized humanity. Moreover, the uniqueness of the grouping is that all of the parts of the HWH connection are undeniably interdependent.
We can argue the chicken or egg theory regarding HWH as to which is first, best, or most desirable, based on one's core beliefs, religion, or values, and/or by observing the way people choose to live their lives. While the obvious intellectual conclusion would dictate that the health of a person is paramount, for without it, it would be difficult or impossible to attain the other two, in real life situations, the lifestyles of many would suggest otherwise. How else to explain obesity, smoking, alcoholism, dangerous drugs, sleep deprivation, DUI, seat belt scofflaws, or suicide bombers, for that matter? We are speaking now of normal, reasonably intelligent people who are free to make choices, rather than forced to do so, because circumstances are thrust upon them resulting in risky behavior to survive.
But, of course, you say, reasonable, sane, and otherwise normal people would not deliberately ruin their health, or commit the ultimate health terminator, suicide, immediate or eventually. However, that is precisely where the interdependence of the three aspirations arise and conflict with the other two. Even though it is legitimate enough to be listed in our Declaration of Independence as one of the "unalienable rights of man" , happiness is a subjective pursuit and in a free society, available in all sorts of unhealthy and un-wealthy choices. Nevertheless, happiness is one of the main objectives of living, for us and for those we love, and it is, however defined, as one of the primary motivators of the human experience.
As for wealth, while the old saw remains that it does not necessarily buy happiness in and of itself, it can be extremely valuable, especially in these troubled times, to preserve critical access to health care, prevent loss of our home, breakup of the family, and other significant disruptions that cause enormous mental stress in today's severe economic conditions.
Clearly, there is no definitive conclusion to be drawn by a thoughtful person regarding the general desirability or importance of any of the three aspirations, but by individual definition, there is little argument that having it all in their lifetime, would be a universal measure of achievement, however remote the chances of attaining. What is left unanswered is which of these affords us the opportunity of the greatest control. Outside of genetic predisposition, this writer believes strongly that as individuals, it is our overall health, meaning physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. If we are able to see ourselves as custodians of those attributes, and take the appropriate actions to right ourselves, we are at least giving ourselves the opportunity to achieve some measure of success in the other two.
To learn more about a most effective approach to health, (with a unique opportunity for real wealth) please go to our archived July post: "Eating Healthy, Living Well-With Chia Seeds-5 Ways". In the wealth category, on this blog in September, look up hotel franchise articles. For other wealth opportunities please go to http://24hourwebcash.com/macmillan9747
(That's most of what you'll need for health and wealth. The happiness part is up to you!)
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